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An Open Letter to the Board of Directors & Staff of TLC

Sunday, February 7, 2021 - by Stephen S. Mabry

An Open Letter, last Updated: 02/07/2021

Texas Lions Camp, Inc.
(830) 896-896-8500 |

From the Office of the President & CEO
Stephen S. Mabry

An Open Letter to the Board of Directors and Staff of Texas Lions Camp

Kerrville, TX - February 7, 2021. I want to thank each of you for your hard work, attentive engagement and care of Texas Lions Camp as we weighed and considered our options for our Strategic Plan for moving forward in a post-2020 world during the 2021, Semi-Annual Board Meeting. It has taken a great deal of courage and fortitude to be willing to consider new things in ways and perspectives we have never considered or believed would become a part of our approach to mission.

I was blessed beyond expectation or belief this past weekend with an unimaginable honor as Chairman Kent Basinger announced the Board’s decision to rename the Equestrian Center in recognition Don't Worryof the Mabry family. Words are inadequate to express what it means to have my wife and kids included as they have been my compass and inspiration at every turn, challenge and hurdle. TLC has truly been a family focus for the Mabrys, just as it is for so many of you.

I am keenly aware that we have all arrived at this time and place together and whatever success may be implied, it was not achieved alone or in a vaccuum. For TLC to move forward and thrive, it has taken everyone giving their all, applying their talents and taking care to advance their areas of responsibility. I am incredibly fortunate to have had the benefit of knowing some of the most amazing people on the planet, who have not withheld their considerable talents but have given without reserve to safeguard and steward our beloved organization to continually arrive at the Next Level. For that, I will forever by humbled and grateful for the privilege to be a part of Texas Lions Camp.

My special thanks to Chairman Kent Basinger, the Executive Committee, past presidents, James Wheeler, John Eads, James Browning and the Board of Directors. Members of my leadership team, Dr. Stephen Ponder, Karen-Anne King, RN, Ken Folsom, Glenn Wilson and my executive assistant, Megan Jaeger; and of course, all of those who say with pride, “I work or volunteer at Texas Lions Camp.”

Respectfully yours,

Stephen S. Mabry
President & CEO
Texas Lions Camp, Inc.


Stephen is President and CEO of Texas Lions Camp, Inc. and recently celebrated 30 years of service to this 70 year-old, 501(c)(3) charitable, organization in August of 2019. TLC, Inc. has a large Board of Directors consisting of 94 voting members and over 300 volunteer members that serve on one of 10 standing committees. As a corporation, TLC has more than 200 full-time and seasonal employees (who are organized into 7 departments) and over 2,000 volunteers per year that are responsible for creating an atmosphere of success for more than 1,500 children with physical disabilities per summer. Stephen is a past Certified Association Executive with the American Society of Association Executives, a past Certified Fund-Raising Executive with the Association of Fundraising Professionals. Stephen is a father of three and resides on TLC’s Kerrville campus together with his wife Shawn, who as luck would have it, is a professional editor.
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