What is Residential Day Camp-4Families All About?

TLC's value proposition for family camp is simple: to draw families closer together through shared experience, but we also want children to have the opportunity to know what it is to find their place within their peer group as a member of a team.

In 2021, TLC piloted an innovative program that allowed families to experience Texas Lions Camp together for the first time in TLC history. What we hoped would be an answer to the challenges posed by large group gatherings during pandemic conditions turned into so much more as families were able to make a bit of their own history and memories along with us.

Now continuing in innovation we present to you Residential Day Camp. This program has been designed to give families a chance to get to know TLC and prepare their kiddo to come to Camp independently in subsequent years. We hope this will be another exciting, memorable and safe experience in the life of your family. The opportunity to travel away from the norm, experience the great outdoors, build memories and set aside time to spend together in the evenings to build up self esteem and courage with the Can Do Attitude is something I hope will be a blessing to your family.

The most important things to note — is that Residential Day Camp is not Texas Lions Camp as you have known it but with families — it is something completely new and different. One of the largest departures being, that your qualifying kiddo (and age appropriate siblings, when needed) will remain on Camp during the day to do activities , while parents can explore all the Texas Hill Country has to offer. Then in the evening, you will return to Camp for dinner and to have the kiddos in your care then you will remain with them to experience all that TLC has to offer together as one unit.

Residential Day Camp is designed for family growth and respite by allowing your kiddo to attend activities daily and participate with you in the evenings. Parents/ Guardians will not be expected to stay on Camp during the day for activities; however, you must return to check out your kiddo each evening by the appointed time and you will then reside together on your on campus assigned dwelling.

Parents/Guardians are responsible for all medication administration, treatments and direct care of the participants each evening in their family unit. All participants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult at all times while on camp unless Checked in to Camp custody.


Who Qualifies?

The quick answer: Families who have a child with special medical conditions living under their roof qualify to attend TLC, along with their siblings and parents or guardians.

How will Housing work?

Families registered for the program will be assigned to their own, private quarters as a family. As a result of TLC's Master plan and a year-long construction project, TLC families attending family camp will now have an opportunity to reside in one of 12 Eagle Trail Cabins or their own wing in a bunkhouse.


Healthcare and medications during the week will remain the responsibility of the head-of-household but TLC will have a nurse available for first aid as needed.

Dining-Food Service

TLC will offer food service through its dining hall and food service staff for those engaged in the program.

Activities & Facilities at TLC

What will families get to do while at TLC? The answer is a great deal and all of it will be done as a family unit. Families will have the opportunity to pick and choose many of the activities they wish to pursue each day while some of the activities will be scheduled.

Programs List
  • Archery
  • Miles of Hiking Trails
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Swimming
  • Horses
  • Ropes Course
  • Indoor Basketball/volleyball courts
  • Music
  • Fishing lake
  • Paddle boating & Canoeing
  • Tennis Courts
  • Miniature Golf Course
  • Star Gazing
  • Outdoor Campfire Areas
  • Night Activities

2024 Camp Schedule

The format for the schedule will consist of a Tues-Wed, one-night stay for those who prefer a shorter event during the week, followed by a Friday-Sunday, two night stay, for those who prefer a weekend. As you will note, the schedule has been shortened and spread out so that the staff can clean and santize between sessions.

Families with Special Medical Conditions
Session Type Date Focus
3 Mid-week July 16-18, 2024 Family-Special Med
4 Weekend July 20-22, 2024 Family-Special Med

How to Apply

Applications are now open.

To register your family, please click the button below:

Please note that family camp is reserved for families whose children are not registered for another session.

What about Diabetes?

Q. If we are a family with diabetes and can't come in July, can we come to one of the June sessions?
A. Yes, so long as you realize that there will be neither diabetes education, nor our normal contingent of diabetes medical support and educators available.